05-2023 Header
Memorial Day 2023

The last Monday in May, is Memorial Day. It is a national Holiday when America honors and remembers the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. The American Legion is dedicated to preserving the memory of our fallen heroes and declare our unending gratitude and support for their families.

A Memorial Day Tribute with scenes taken from the movie Taking Chance. (5.40 min.)

May 3 – 6:30 p.m. Membership Meeting


Why? Because we will finish nominating new officers to lead Post 66 for the 2023-2024 Legion Year and the majority vote of Post 66 legionnaires present will elect our new officers at the May meeting. Post 66 Legionnaires in good standing (dues paid current) are eligible to hold office and vote. The Post Commander and Vice-Commanders may not hold any other post offices, other post officers may serve in more than one office.

Our leaders serve our hopes for success. The leaders we elect are trusted to make the right decisions to bring us closer to our ideals of service; service to our veterans, their families, and the SLO community. When we elect our leaders in Post 66, we bestow upon them the authority to make the decisions they feel will help us succeed. Once we bestow our leaders with the authority to lead, we are morally obligated to follow their lead.

Here are some thoughts on what we should all look for in those we elect as Post Commander, Vice-Commanders,  Finance Officer, Adjutant, and Executive Committeemen (3):

  • A true passion for The American Legion and a willingness to serve
  • Have completed The American Legion Basic Training Course
  • Devote the time and energy needed to succeed
  • Develop and share a clear vision for our post success
  • An effective and frequent communicator
  • Effective computer skills, which are increasingly becoming important, and
  • The ability to get the job done and keep our American Legion Family together!

The Legionnaires we elect to lead Post 66 are important. Seek out and elect the best Legionnaires we have to lead us, (out of our hundreds of members), then work hard to support them, as our Post 66 American Legion Family works hard to serve all our veterans.

Commander’s Corner


Well as we come to the end of my term I want to thank all our members who have been so supportive of me on behalf of the American Legion.  We have accomplished a lot this year and without the help of the Sons and the Auxiliary, as well, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish it all.

  1. Our pancake breakfast, car show and silent auction/ raffle was extremely successful bringing in almost $14,000 to the post. This is a major fundraiser for our post and hopefully we’ll be able to exceed that this year. Don’t forget to mark the date of the craft fair (5/19 & 20) as well as the pancake breakfast, car show and Silent Auction/Raffle on 5/21.
  2. Who can forget Abe Lincoln at our Memorial Day celebration last year. This year promises to be even bigger and better as we are working with Bart Topham and his fabulous museum staff. This year the guest speaker will be Vice Admiral William Bowes, USN Retired.
    I encourage you to look at his impressive record on-line. He was also an experienced industry executive as well as a combat pilot during the Viet Nam War receiving numerous combat medals. He also served on the Secretary of the Navy’s Advisory Board.
    We will also be selling tri-tip sandwich lunches after the ceremony as well as hot dogs and chips for the kids. Mark the date on your calendars of Memorial Day, Monday, 5/29! Advance tickets sales will be available at The Veteran’s Museum and Post 66 soon.
  3. Family fun day at the Legion, 10/15/22. We had a WWII vintage jeep on display, lots of fun games and prizes for the kids.
  4. Helped the DAV with their pancake breakfast. They did the best ever raising over $6,000.
  5. 10/19/22 Boys and Girls State dinner.
  6. 12/15/22 planning started for The Wall That Heals (the Viet Nam Wall). Scheduled for 3/16-20/23 at Madonna Meadows. What a humbling experience. The Legion worked in conjunction with SLO Elks 322 and DAV to provide tri-tip sandwich lunches for the volunteers.
  7. 2/12/23 Held the Legion’s Super Bowl party.
  8. 4/14/23 met with Paula McGrath from the County of SLO Behavioral Health to see how we can work together as a team to reach out to Veterans.
  9. Our Monday Night Socials have proven to be very successful. They give our members an opportunity to get out of the house and join fellow Vets and their families for an inexpensive night out filled with great camaraderie. The Monday Night Raffle has brought in monies for donations to our Veterans Service Officer to purchase batteries for scooters that were donated and monies on hand to donate to veterans who need a helping hand.

Needless to say, it’s been a busy and extremely rewarding year for Post 66!

Post 66Thank you for your service.

For God and Country.

Yvonne Hampton


First Vice We are gearing up for important events happening in May that support our American Legion mission.

Thank you very much to all those who donated for their 10-pack of tickets for the Annual Pancake Breakfast and Car Show to be held on Sunday, May 21, and also a big thanks to those who returned them for other members to purchase or sell.

This is our major fundraiser for the year and it’s “All hands on deck” to ensure it’s successful.   Remember, if you would like to donate items for the silent auction and prize drawing to be held during the pancake breakfast, please contact Yvonne. It’s an excellent way to promote your business and support your Post at the same time!

Another fundraiser being coordinated is a two-day Craft Faire to be held on Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20. We are looking for all types of artisans, crafters, photographers, etc.; to participate so please spread the word and have any interested individuals or groups contact me; Nora O’Donnell as soon as possible.  I will accept crafter/vendor applications until May 15th.  If we don’t have at least 15 crafters/vendors by that time, we will have to cancel the event. 

I can be reached by email: navygal1957@gmail.com , or by phone (805)441-1405. 

The next event being planned in May is the Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 29th. This ceremony has been an important part of our Post history for over 100 years, so please plan to attend and participate.

For these events to happen, it will take many volunteers, so besides selling or purchasing tickets, please consider signing up for any job, big or small; and remember, 

Many hands make light work.

We look forward to working together to make these events successful and fruitful for our Post. Thank you in advance for your support!

Nora O’Donnel
First Vice Commander
Post 66

2023 Pancake Breakfast

Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Only $5.00

5,000 x $5=$25,000
For many years our annual $5.00 Pancake Breakfast has been the major fundraiser for Post 66. This year, in addition to changing the date we are also conducting a Silent Auction and car show. Although the proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast are an important source of income for our post, they are no longer adequate to meet our needs. We are hoping the Silent Auction and Car Show will help improve our cash flow, as we are currently operating in the red. (We spend more per month than we bring in.)

Packets of 10 tickets will soon be mailed to all members of our Legion Family. The sale of our Pancake Breakfast tickets is an important way for you to help our post succeed.

2023 Car Show


The show runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 21

Registration is from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Registration Fee is  $35 per Vehicle ($45 after May 15)

Car Show Registration Form  |  Car Show Flier

The show will highlight pre-1976 vehicles. With an exception for sports cars and motorcycles, which will not have a pre-1976 age requirement. Registration is limited to the first 100 vehicles and 25 motorcycles. All vehicles will be judged and judging starts at 10 a.m.

A Pancake and sausages breakfast is included.

Contact Yvonne, Post Commander at 805-459-4015 for more information.

Post 66, The American Legion, 1661 Mill Street in San Luis Obispo, 93401

Profits from this event will support Post 66, The American Legion.

Note: The Central Coast Veterans Museum will be open.


Post 66 has hundreds of veterans paying dues annually to be members. They all served honorably in the U.S. military. Each bring their own personal reasons for being members of the American Legion as they continue to serve our veterans, their families and the San Luis Obispo community.

Here is a breakdown on the war eras and the branches of service in which our members served.
Where do you fit?

War Era X’s   Branch X’s
GW Terrorism 21 Army 194
Korea 61 Navy 102
Lebanon/Genada 22 Air Force 61
Other 5 Marines 37
Panama 4 Coast Guard 5
Prsian Gulf 49
Vietnam 225 Female Veterans 27
VA Mission

New VA mission statement recognizes sacred commitment to all Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors

VA Pess Release: March 2023

​WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced an updated version of its 1959 mission statement. The new mission statement is: To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.”

The new mission statement is inclusive of all those who have served in our nation’s military — including women Veterans — as well as Veteran families, caregivers, and survivors. VA currently serves more than 600,000 women Veterans, the fastest growing cohort of Veterans. VA also serves more than 50,000 Veteran caregivers, more than 600,000 Veteran survivors, and millions of Veterans who did not serve in combat.

In crafting the new mission statement, VA surveyed roughly 30,000 Veterans. Among Veterans surveyed, the new version of VA’s mission statement was chosen over the current version by every age group; by men and by women; by LGBTQ+ Veterans; and by white, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian and American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans.

“Whenever any Veteran, family member, caregiver, or survivor walks by a VA facility, we want them to see themselves in the mission statement on the outside of the building,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “We are here to serve all Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors — and now, our mission statement reflects exactly that.”

In addition to two rounds of surveys, VA conducted dozens of small-group engagements with Veterans to understand what was most important to them in a VA mission statement, then incorporated that feedback into quantitative research. The new mission statement reflects that VA serves all of the heroes who have served our country, regardless of their race, gender, background, sexual orientation, religion, zip code or identity.

Saturday, May 20th


Armed Forces Day


Hosted by Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFW Post 10978 Nipomo

WHEN: 20 May, Shotgun start at 1030 AM

Monarch Dunes Challenge Course
1606 Trilogy Parkway, Nipomo, Ca. 93444

12 Holes of GOLF on The Challenge Course·
Split-Pot Hole-in-One Shot ($50)
(splits with Post 10978 Building Fund) ·

Breakfast Burrito from Butterfly Grille – Range Balls Token

Contact: Mark Machala via vfwpost10978@gmail.com

INDIVIDUAL GOLFER – $60.00 includes ½  cart and a Breakfast Burrito

FOURSOMES – $220.00 includes two cart fees and Breakfast Burritos

Various sponsorship opportunities exist for your business….

South County VFW Post 10978 Building Fund to complete the restoration of the Post Headquarters located at 140 South Thompson Road, Nipomo, Ca. 93444

A Sense of Humor


Sons of The American Legion (SAL), Squadron 66

May is going to  BE  a very busy month. Lot’s of activity & events are on the calendar this month.

First we need to refresh all of our Veteran stickers, and place new stickers on the  headstone that have been added this last year. This task will take no time at all, in addition to saving time  when  placing flags  at  each veterans grave, this will lesson the chance of  a love one being overlooked or forgotten.

I will check with the Caretaker and see if there is a list of any additional veterans added this passed year.

We’ll place the flags at the graves on Saturday May 27, 2023.  We  will me et at the  Catholic cemetery  at 8 am, divide into two teams .  Removal of  the flags will be after  Memorial  Day.

The son’s have 5 volunteers  to assist  the  annual Pancake Breakfast on  May 21st, however we could always use more helpers. Contact myself  or Nora for an assignment.


Bob W Evenson
Commander, Squadron 66
Sons of The American Legion


American Legion Auxiliary (ALA), Unit 66

May is Poppy Month for the American Legion Auxiliary. Unit 66 will have Poppies at the Pancake Breakfast/Car Show and Memorial Day. Other locations TBD. Laurie Richards will speak at a luncheon for a women’s group.

Poppy The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. Wear a poppy to honor those who have worn our nation’s uniform.

All donations received will support our American Legion Family and our programs that support veterans, the military community, and their families.

The election of Auxiliary officers will occur at our May meeting. The June Legion News will have the results.

Laurie Richards
Unit 66 President
The American Legion Auxiliary

Post 66 Adjutant

Adjtant Membership Update

  • New Members – 6
  • PUFL* – 76
  • Members Paid – 221
  • Transfers – 6
  • Total Members – 309
  • Department Goal – 386
  • % Department Goal – 80.05%

* PUFL = Paid Up For Life

Sick Call

  • Roberta Kassak -Auxiliary
  • Bill Cotnam -Sons
  • Chuck Emery, and
  • John Buckley

Lest We Forget

Post Everlasting

  • Don Morris
  • Larry Gaeta
  • Fred Rogers
  • Roger Foge

Thank you to all our members who have consistently paid their membership dues in a timely manner. District 16 has 18 Posts. Of those 18, Post 66 is in 3rd position of high membership stats. This is excellent news and we should all be proud of this accomplishment!

I would like to ask any of you who volunteer to please email me your total number of volunteer hours worked this fiscal year. It may sound daunting, but it isn’t that hard to figure out. It is important information and deadline driven by the Department to have this submitted by June 1, 2023. So I need “All Hands on Deck” to turn in your volunteer hours to me ASAP so I can submit our Consolidated Report before its due date, or at the very least on the due date. My email address is: Ramorrobay@gmail.com

Thank you all and I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at all of our exciting events happening this month!

Ramona Hedges
Post 66 Adjutant


In this episode of the SITREP, Jim discusses how to prove you’re a Veteran by getting your own, free Veteran ID Card. To learn more or apply for a Veteran ID Card, visit the link below. Have an idea or question you would like to see addressed in a future episode of the SITREP? Email us at the SITREP@va.gov. Please know we are not able to respond directly to your submission, but our team DOES review all of them and we appreciate your support making the SITREP a success!

TOPIC LINKS For additional information about getting your Veteran ID Card, visit:

New lifetime pass available for Military Veterans and Gold Star Families to access public lands

National Parks Service, News Release Date: November 8, 2022

Contact: NewsMedia@nps.gov

Pass provides free entrance to national parks, wildlife refuges and other public lands

New lifetime pass available for Military Veterans and Gold Star Families to access public lands Pass provides free entrance to national parks, wildlife refuges and other public lands

The new lifetime pass for Gold Star Families and Military Veterans provides free entrance to national parks and other recreation areas.

WASHINGTON – Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced that starting on Veterans Day (Nov. 11), veterans of the U.S. Armed Services and Gold Star Families can obtain a free lifetime pass to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites spread out across more than 400 million acres of public lands, including national parks, wildlife refuges, and forests.  

“We have a sacred obligation to America’s veterans. This new lifetime pass is a small demonstration of our nation’s gratitude and support for those who have selflessly served in the U.S. Armed Forces,” said Secretary Deb Haaland, whose father served during the Vietnam War. “I’m proud the Department of the Interior can provide veterans and Gold Star Families opportunities for recreation, education and enjoyment from our country’s treasured lands.”  

“Our national forests and grasslands represent so much of the beauty of the nation our brave service members have sacrificed so much for,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “Though they can never be fully repaid, by connecting the families of the fallen and those who served with these iconic places, we can, in a small way, say
thank you.”   

Bad Leaders care about

Save the Date

May is Auxiliary
“Poppy Month”

Monday Night Socials start @ 4:30 p.m. Meals start @ 5 p.m. for $8.

Monday, May 1

  • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
  • 5 p.m., Dinner served, Enchiladas, rice, beans, salad, dessert
  • 6 p.m. Sons, Squadron 66 Meeting

Wednesday, May 3

  • 5 p.m. Auxiliary, Unit 66 Meeting
  • 6:30 p.m. Membership/Business Meeting Leader Nominations and Elections

Friday, May 5

  • 5:00 p.m., Department Dinner – American Legion Riders

Monday, May 8

  • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
  • 5 p.m., Dinner served, Fix your own Deli Sandwich, home-made potatoe salad, chips, dessert

Wednesday, May 10 – Membership Dinner $15.00

  • 6:30 p.m., BBQ spareribs, beans, cole slaw and cake for dessert

Sunday May 14   – Mother’s Day

Monday, May 15

  • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
  • 5 p.m., Dinner served, Rotisserie chicken, green beans, scalloped potatoes, dessert

Friday & Saturday, May 19-20

  • Craft Faire

Saturday, May 20

  • Armed Forces Day, 2023 Golf Challenge

Sunday, May 21
• Pancake Breakfast
• Car & Motorcycle Show
• Silent Auction

Monday, May 22
• 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
• 5 p.m., Dinner served, Hamburgers with all the fixings, chips, salad, dessert

Monday, May 29
Memorial Day Celebration
• No Monday night social, instead we are having a great Memorial Day Program with Rear Admiral Bowes as guest speaker followed by Tri Tip Sandwiches, baked beans, Cole slaw and dessert for $12. Advance ticket sales at the American Legion and The Veteran’s Museum. Kids meals will be available for $5.

    Memorial Day Flag

    Do more then belong, participate!

    Hats Off


    Hats Off to our Legion Family members for being good active members of our Post 66 American Legion Family.

    • Betty Bristol, Auxillary member who volunteers @ Monday Night Socials. 
    • Mario Perez & Bill Fieldhouse
      Post 66 Facility Maintenance

    If you know of a Legion Family member doing good work that we should take our Hat Off to, please use our “Hats Off” nomination form.

    Blue Star Mothers


    MyLegion.org is a free and secure website for American Legion and Sons of The American Legion members that allows users to manage their profile information, print their membership ID card, renew their membership, view member-only discounts, and manage subscriptions to The American Legion Magazine, Dispatch and American Legion e-newsletters. MyLegion.org also is for administrative officers of American Legion posts, districts and counties. It allows the ability to process membership and renewals, add new members, transfer in existing members, create post/squadron reports, letters and labels, and more.

    Spot Pet Insurance

    Spot Pet Insurance 

    Receive up to 90% back
    on eligible vet bills!


    Free Wi-fi
    Post Officer's Guide

    2023 Officer’s Guide

    2023 Officer Guide

    The Officer’s Guide is the principal handbook issued by National Headquarters to help American Legion officers fulfill their roles.

    Publications on all major American Legion programs are available from the department and National Headquarters. See the complete list at legion.org/publications. Many can be downloaded for free; others are available at low cost at emblem.legion.org.

    Post Adjutant's Manual

    2023 Adjutant’s Guide

    2023 Adjutant’s Guide

    The Post Adjutant’s Manual is a blueprint to assist in handling the business affairs of the post and to provide efficient and  effective service to members. It is a work in progress and will never be complete as long as officers and members in local posts offer suggestions and recommendations.

    Legionnaire Insurance Trust
    Legionnaire Insurance Trust