06-2023 Legion News


I still can’t believe I had the opportunity to participate in this incredible Super Bowl production.
I will always be humbled to represent my county, the United States Marine Corps, and the Medal of Honor.
William Kyle Carpenter, USMC Medal of Honor Recipient

A leader is a servant of hope

That’s Not My Job!

This is a story about four people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and NOBODY.

There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY’S job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it.

It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.

Be SOMEBODY who will help

get the IMPORTANT jobs done!

Be the One

Commander’s Corner


Hi My Fellow Legionnaires.

Well, this will be my last newsletter as the Commander of Post 66. It has been a year full of activities and networking with other Veteran organizations and supporters, such as the local DAV, VFW Nipomo, Viet Nam Vets in Guadalupe, Elks 322 just to name a few.  We did a lot of joint ventures with the Central Coast Veteran’s Museum, DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) and the DAV and Elks 322, Sea Cadets, and The Wall That Heals just to mention a few.

We had a fantastic turnout at our Memorial Day Celebration on May 29 and we fed over 200 people.

All this would not have been possible without our fantastic Post 66 Volunteers who have helped throughout the year: All of our great BBQ teams, cleanup and setup crews, kitchen help and all the others who turned out for our various events. To them, all I want to say “Thank you!“ for your tremendous support. Without you none of this would have been possible.

Thank You

Let’s all show our support for the next Commander, Nora O’Donnell, by coming to the next General Membership Meeting on June7 at 6:30 p.m.

For God and Country.

Yvonne Hampton

Do more then belong, participate!

First Vice-Commander

First Vice

Hello Legion Family!

We’ve just completed wonderful events in May for the good of the Legion and the Community.  The two-day Art & Craft Faire was a first-time event as part of the Pancake Breakfast & Car Show weekend, and we look forward to offering it again next year.  We’ve already reserved the weekend of May 18/19, 2024 to do it all again.  The Pancake Breakfast and Car Show was also well attended and having the museum open during the event was wonderful.  Thanks, Bart Topham; for making that happen!

The Memorial Day Ceremony, co-sponsored by the Veterans History Museum was held on Monday, May 29th and we had a wonderful turnout to honor and remember those who gave their lives in service of our country.

Many thanks to the volunteers from the Legion, Cal Poly, Sea Cadets, Boy Scouts and the community for pulling together to make all the May events happen.  It’s important to have these events to show the community that the American Legion is here to support local Veterans and more.

Although we’ve already held elections for Officers for 2023/2024, there are still openings for the elected positions of 1st and 2nd Vice and the Finance Officer.  Elections for these positions will be added to the June member meeting agenda and we hope to have members interested in taking on these jobs.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Maggie Glidden for the amazing job she has done as Finance Officer for the past few years, especially with the many challenges during Covid.  She had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders, and with the end of her term as Finance Officer, we’ve come to realize the job will require some changes and more support.

Along with the elected positions, there are several operating committees that need volunteer support.  I ask you to please consider donating your time during the coming year to serve on one of the following committees:

  • Membership Committee – pertains to membership eligibility, growth, acceptance, retention and renewals.  Guidance provided by the 1st Vice Commander.
  • Finance Committee – under the guidance of the Finance Officer, assists with financial duties of the Post, preparing the annual budget and advising the Executive Committee on financial matters..
  • Ways & Means Committee – work together to develop fund-raising projects, and once approved, are responsible for the projects completion and success.  Guidance provided by the 2nd Vice Commander.
  • Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Committee – responsible for bringing to the attention of members and their dependents the rights and benefits granted them by law. Assist veterans in the pursuance of claims and in obtaining other veteran’s rights and benefits: to visit comrades who are sick or disabled; to visit and comfort members of their families when sick or bereaved.
  • Americanism Committee – seeks to inspire love of country and good citizenship through patriotic observances, flag etiquette, civic instruction in schools, community service, and youth activities such as Boys State, Boy Scouts, and Oratorical Contests.
  • Public Relations Committee – promotes Post programs and social activities to members and local community.  Also responsible for newsletters, fliers and all Post online communication tools.

If you are interested in any of these committee positions or want to know more about the commitment level they take, please contact me or anyone on the Executive Committee.  Remember; everyone that is currently a volunteer member of the Executive Committee or doing these jobs, began as a member who answered the call to take on a leadership role, and I hope you agree that it takes all of us, in some way large or small to make this a viable and supportive organization for veterans and the community. As I’ve said many times over the past couple of years and has been shown during the events we’ve offered: “Many hands make light work”, so please consider being a pair of those hands. 😊

Thank you for your support, for being a member of the Post 66 Family, and as always; I send best wishes that everyone stays connected and healthy.

Nora O’Donnell
1st Vice Commander

Sons of The American Legion (SAL), Squadron 66


Thank’s to all our pancakes lovers, who came down to the Post for our annual pancake breakfast.

A huge shout out to all my Flap Jack Flipper helpers, you all did a wonderful job keeping up with the long lines and hungry crowd.  By the looks of  all the people who passed through, I would say it was another successful event.

Would also like to thanks Clint & Bill Olveira from G & S Appliance service, who volunteered their time and did a complete maintenance check on our pancake grills.

I would also like to thank all those who came and helped place flags at all out local Veterans grave sites and those who helped take Flags down.

Squadron 66 had their elections last month.  All officer’s will remain the same as last year. Ceremonies & dinner to honor all those who were elected will take place July 16 2023.  Congratulations to all who were elected.

Summers is here, enjoy  your travels and  be safe.


Bob W Evenson
Commander, Squadron 66
Sons of The American Legion

Health Information Card genericHealth Information Card

by Rick Pushies, Legionnaire

In recent years more veterans are receiving medical care from doctors (private practice) in their local community.  The Veterans Community Care program allows eligible veterans to get medical care through in-network providers that are not a part of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC).

MyHealtheVetI have been using the VA Community Care program recently since I live over three hours away from the nearest VA Hospital and I recently have developed medical issues my local VA clinic just cannot handle. The Community Care Program has been very helpful and has allowed me to get appropriate care through the VA without having to drive for hours to reach a VA medical facility.

One interesting aspect of being seen as a VA patient by a private practice doctor is being asked during check-in by the receptionist for my VA ID card. I never had a VA ID card and it often confuses the staff at the private practice that I did not have one. Apparently, getting the patient’s insurance card is an important part of the office staff’s job. There are many types of identification cards you can use to show you’re a Veteran. The Health Information Card is what I now use when I’m asked for my VA insurance card. (Click on the graphic on the right to see a larger version of the VA Health Ifnormation Card.). You can find and download your personal Health Information Card in Personal Information drop-down menu of your MyHealtheVet.va.gov account.

(Health Information Card read more.)

American Legion Auxiliary, (ALA) Unit 66


During the month of May our American Legion Auxiliary elected new leaders for the coming year. They are.

  • President: Laurie Richards
  • Treasurer: Janice Somers
  • 1st Vice President:  Jacqueline Plumey
  • 2nd Vice President:  Denise Topham
  • Secretary: Janice Somers
  • Executive Committee:  Janet Andrews, Berni Ann Lewis, Janice Somers
  • Sergeant at Arms Appointed:  Roberta Kassak
  • Chaplain Appointed:  Faith Ann Fieldhouse
  • Poppy Chair Appointed: Open
  • Decorations Appointed:  Denise Topham

Here is what was voted on.

The American Legion Auxiliary held the yearly elections of officers in May.  The above listed will continue to uphold the Mission Statement of the American Legion Auxiliary.  Our mission is to support veterans, military and their families.

Our unit has completed the selection of young ladies to attend the Girls State program held in Sacramento June 27th to July 3.  We interviewed 5 schools, San Luis Obispo HS, Morro Bay HS, Mission College Prep, Atascadero and Templeton, picking one young lady from each school.  In October there will be a dinner honoring both the Boys and Girls State attendees at the post.

May is Poppy Month.  The Auxiliary will be handing out poppies at Monday night socials, members dinner, Legion pancake breakfast and Memorial Day ceremony at the post.  Donations are welcome, all donations to be used on veterans, military and family only.

Laurie Richards
Unit 66 President
The American Legion Auxiliary

2023 Post 66 Legion Family Election Results

2023-2024 Elected Officers: Post 66 American Legion Family.

During the month of May our American Legion Family elected new leaders for the coming year.

Here are the results.

Post 66 Officers

  • Commander:
    Nora O’Donnell
  • First Vice-Commander
    Yvonne Hampton
  • Second Vice-Commander
  • Finance Officer
  • Adjutant:
    Ramona Hedges
  • Executive Committeeman
  • Executive Committeeman
  • Executive Committeeman

Sons, Squadron 66 Officers

  • Commander
    Bobbie Iverson
  • Finance Officer
    Greg Somers
  • Adjutant
    David Halverstadt

May Fundraiser Review

May Fundraiser Review

FinancesDuring the month of May a number of important fundraising activities took place.

The Craft Faire was a new event for us. This was the second year for our Car Show. The Silent Auction & Pancake Breakfast are Post 66 favorites.

Here is a quick review of the income we generated. (Preliminary gross amounts)

May 19 & 20

  • Craft Faire: $1,200

May 21

  • Pancake Breakfast Weekend: $8,500

May 29

  • Memorial Day: $841

Veteran Designation CDL

Veteran Designation on California Driver License and ID Card

Veteran Designation on California Driver License and ID Card

A new law for 2023 – Veteran Designation on Driver’s Licenses (SB 837) eliminates the $5 fee for obtaining a military “VETERAN” designation on a driver’s license or identification (ID) card. ​

Eligible veterans have the opportunity to add the word “VETERAN” to the front of their driver license or ID card to indicate that they have served in the U.S. Military.  It can also play a critical role in enabling access to certain privileges, and benefits associated with being a veteran without having to carry and produce a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. Interested veterans need to present a valid DD Form 214 to a local CVSO to receive a Veteran Status Verification form. Then, the veteran takes the CVSO verification form to a DMV field office for processing. DMV could charge the standard cost of a new, renewal, or duplicate license fee for this enhancement.

Governance & LeadershipExecutive Committeemen

The current version of the Post 66 Bylaws only allows for three (3) Executive Committeemen at large.

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of three members-at-large in addition to the Commander, Vice Commanders, Finance Officer, and the Adjutant.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall consider all matters affecting the Post and shall make recommendations to the Post, which thereafter shall be approved by the Post by a simple majority vote before becoming effective. The Executive Committee shall manage the business of the Post.

Section 3. The Commander, Vice-Commanders and Adjutant shall be chairman, vice-chairmen and secretary, respectively, of the Executive Committee.”


Save the Date

Monday Night Socials start @ 4:30 p.m. Meals start @ 5 p.m. for $8.

Monday, June 5

  • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
  • 5 p.m., Dinner served, Enchiladas, rice, beans, salad, dessert
  • 6 p.m. Sons, Squadron 66 Meeting

Wednesday, June 7

  • 5 p.m. Auxiliary, Unit 66 Meeting
  • 6:30 p.m. Membership/Business Meeting

    Monday, June 12

    • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
    • 5 p.m., Dinner Hot Dogs and all the fixings, chips, salad and dessert

    UUs FlagWednesday, June 14 – Flag Day

    Membership Dinner $15.00

    • 6:30 p.m., Dinner – Membership BBQ – Team cooking in honor of Bill Zweifel and his pork chop BBQ’s

      Pork Chops, beans, garlic bread, salad and cake for dessert.

    Sunday, June 18 – Father’s Day

    Monday, June 19

    • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
    • 5 p.m., Dinner Sausage quiche, salad and dessert

      Monday, June 26

      • 4:30 p.m., Monday Night Social
      • 5 p.m., Dinner Taco salad (chicken or beef), rice, beans and dessert

      A Sense of Humor

      AdjtantMembership Update

      • New – 6
      • PUFL* – 76
      • Paid Members – 224
      • Transfers – 6
      • Total Members – 312
      • Department Goal – 386
      • % Department Goal – 80.83%

      * PUFL = Paid Up For Life

      Sick Call

      • Bill Cotnam
      • Frank Rowan

      Thank you all for your continued support of Post 66, The American Legion.

      Ramona Hedges
      Post 66 Adjutant

      Membership renewal easiest online

      Hats Off

      Hats Off!

      To all our fantastic BBQ folks who have been there for us all year for our membership BBQS and all our special events.

      The kitchen help for our Monday Night Socials and special events.

      To our fantastic cleanup team who does the yards and breezeways, maintaining our equipment and anything asked of them.

      I will attempt to name a few of these folks:

      BBQ Teams:

      • Bill Fieldhouse and crew
      • Richard Fisher and crew
      • Bill Rodenhi and crew
      • Bobby Evenson and crew
      • Jim Itwin and Crew
      • Paul Wissler and Crew
      • Richard Brown and crew
      • Pete Sterling and crew

      Cleanup and Maintenance:

      • Mario Perez
      • Bill Fieldhouse

      Medical supplies and Veteran Aid

      • Dave Glidden,

      Kitchen Cleanup:

      • Barbara Mintz,
      • Melanie Mansfield,
      • Betty Bristol,
      • Laurie Richards,
      • Barbara Fisher,
      • Carol Flores,
      • Janice Somers,
      • Nora O’Donnell,
      • Denise Topham.


      • Dave Glidden,
      • Fred Hampton,
      • Linda Medici
      • Maggie Glidden

      Website & Legion News

      • Rick Pushies

      All the above represent members of The American Legion, Sons and Auxiliary.

      Thank you to all our Legion Family

      For God and Country.

      Yvonne Hampton