About Us
Membership Orientation Videos
The Post 66 American Legion Family strives to be friendly to each other and our guests. A good understanding of the who, what, when, where, why and how of how our Post 66 American Legion Family works together as a family, helps us work together better and this makes it easier for Post 66 to be a happy family. Our Membership Orientation Videos are a good place to start our journey of understanding.
When Post 66 is a friendly place to visit, our Legion Family members are happier. Keeping the members of our American Legion Family happy is not always easy. It takes the dedication of all the members of our American Legion family to keep Post 66 a friendly place.
Our Member Orientation Videos, Part One and Part Two, were developed for all our American Legion Family. Although the videos were originally developed for new members of our American Legion Family, we have learned that many of our more seasoned members also receive help from watching our videos.
Our Media & Communication Committee devoted much time and energy into developing these training videos. They enlisted help from over a dozen leaders in our American Legion Family and the help of good American Legion friends of Post66 throughout the Department of California during the development process.
Member Orientation is so important to our future that we want every member of our Post 66 American Legion Family to watch these videos. It is considered so important that we have agreed to give (bribe 😊) every member who completes both Part 1 and Part 2, of our Member Orientation Videos with a Post 66 logo, lapel pin and a free dinner at a Monday Night Social (A $10 value!).
To collect these rewards, please complete our REWARD FORM on the video webpage to receive your Post 66 logo lapel pin and free dinner.
Remember, the most important things in The American Legion are not things.
Post 66, San Luis Obispo, CA
Department of California, The American Legion
1661 Mill Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
The Executive Committee members are Commander, First Vice Commander, Second Vice Commander, Adjutant, Finance Officer, and six Executive Committee Members-at-large. The Executive Committee Members-at-large (6 Elected) are advocates for the general membership, assist post officers in directing post business, and act as post representatives in the absence of post officers.
Vision of Success:
“Post 66 excels in service to fellow veterans, their families, and our community, while consistently operating as a model of quality post operations.”
Key Goals:
Sustained membership growth
- Financial solvency and stability
- Excellent leadership development
- Successful programs
- Quality service to veterans, their families, and the community
Mission Statement:
“American Legion Post 66 exists to support fellow veterans, their families, and our community.”
Pancake Breakfast
The Annual Pancake Breakfast of Post 66 is our primary fund-raiser. The funds from the pancake breakfast support all the large variety of American Legion and community programs Post 66 supports. Members and friends of Post 66, give their financial support for our programs by selling tickets to this important fundraising event.
Each year in March members are mailed a book of ten tickets to the Annual Pancake Breakfast that is traditionally held in early June. The proceeds from our Pancake Breakfast program benefit the youth and veteran programs we conduct in San Luis Obispo County.
Any contribution you make is tax-deductible as The American Legion is a nonprofit 501 (c) (19) organization comprised of American military veterans who served during times of war.
Additional tickets will be available at door. Tickets are only $5.00 per person.
No Partisan Politics
The American Legion is a not-for-profit (501 C19) corporation and is nonpolitical.
The Legion can neither engage in partisan politics nor promote the candidacy of any
person for public office.
Volunteers are Super!
(They are!)
Your Volunteer Time Has Value: Volunteer time is now estimated to be worth over $24 per hour in California! The volunteer time of Legionnaires like you is even more valuable to our Legion.
We track our Post member’s volunteer time using the “Service Hours Sheet” form available on the ‘Resources’ page of our website. Our service hours are then combined with data from other Posts in the ‘Consolidated Post Report.’ This is how The American Legion, among other things, knows of the millions of hours our Legionnaires volunteer in service each year.
Post 66, like most non-profit organizations, is run by good volunteers, like you. Here are a few areas where we routinely need good volunteers to help get the job done.
Post 66 has developed a Member Handbook that is full of good information about The American Legion and Post 66. Copies are provided to new members when they attend our Member Orientation program. We also have a PDF version you can access online. Member Handbook
If you would like to help in one of these areas, or in a different area, please let one of our Post leaders know. We are always looking for good volunteers. Please fill out our Member Survey and let us know where you would like to help out.